Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Here we go again...

Just I’m predicted.

Finally it comes again.

Family Business Crisis can’t avoid from it.

From the start I’m have predicted and today it’s the days.

Hopefully my family can stand for it just like 10 years before.

And prayed to Allah this crisis can be over as soon as possible.



NAZ said...

amin :)

Shamimi said...

To Naz:
Thanx bro.

lavidalabelle said...

susah dan senang kita berserah dan berdoa pada Allah. dia Maha Mengetahui. mesti ada hikmah sebaliknya :)

keep it strong

p/s: sis dah post my other blog link. kalau tak dpt sila beritau ye.

sYaMiMi naSiR said...

amin =)
semoga semuanye selesai secepat mungkin

Shamimi said...

To Sis Belle & Mimi:
Thank you. Harap2 ia cepat berlalu.